Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kara's Art Show in California

Kara in front of one of her many paintings and the kids at the art show, they were really good for the most part.

More party pics

The girls in the ball pool, Eddy was too scared to get in, wouldn't you be?

Sarah's 23rd B-day party!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One year old pictures

Mere took these pics for us and I should have put them up months ago, but it takes forever and I can only do two or three at a time and they all are so cute and beautiful that I can't choose just a few to put up, so there will be more to come.


Eddison's First Egg Painting, he tried to help, but we stopped after he started throwing the eggs on the floor. He thought they were the perfect-sized balls for him! The second picture is pretty much all the egg hunting he got in. It was raining, so he just watched to other kids on the back porch.

A Little Note

Sorry I am not very good at blogging. I have been busy lately. I know my blog is not very interesting and I hardly update it. So thank you to all those who still look at it and thank you soo much for all your sweet messages. I really appreciate it. I have the greatest friends and families in the world! I love all of you dearly and love keeping in contact with ya'll even though its just through the computer. Thanks again and I will try to do better! ;)