Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One year old pictures

Mere took these pics for us and I should have put them up months ago, but it takes forever and I can only do two or three at a time and they all are so cute and beautiful that I can't choose just a few to put up, so there will be more to come.


Saedi said...

He is so adorable!!!

Kathy Reid said...

What a gorgeous little boy!

Jenn Oldham said...

What a cute little boy! We love Eddie! Yay for being one!

Jessica Carver said...

Hey Ruth, how have you been? You have such a beautiful little baby! What is going on in your life? I would love to catch up with you...Please fill me in. P.S. we should get together some time soon.

Angie said...

I love that little Eddie! He is so darling! I loved hanging out with you guys. I wish it could happen more. I hope you are doing well and I will call you next time I am down there. Mere did an awesome job on the pictures. They are priceless. I would love to see more! :)